Celebrate Chiropractic
On September 18, 1895, Daniel David Palmer, a natural healer, experimenter and freethinking Canadian brought us chiropractic.
He delivered the first chiropractic adjustment to Harvey Lillard, the building janitor who had lost his hearing years earlier after bending over and hearing a popping sound in his spine.
After much resistance, Harvey allowed Palmer to use his hands to push a misaligned spinal bone back into a more normal position. What happened? Harvey�s hearing returned.
What did that adjustment prove? Nerve interference, caused by misaligned spinal vertebrae, can interfere with the proper functioning of the organs and tissues of our body.
Today, we still see incredible results, and are passionate about using the most advanced chiropractic techniques to help you live your life to the fullest.
Let�s talk about how 120 years of chiropractic research and philosophy might help make a difference in your life.
Investigating Your Body's Command Center

Did you know that our bodies have a command center? It�s the nervous system.
Like an actual command center, the nervous system has been defined as a �complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates body activities.�
The nervous system is made up of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (all other neural elements).
When there is interference (also called a subluxation) in the nerve system, our bodies are not able to function optimally.
According to an International Chiropractors Association article, �a subluxation is the result of spinal bones with improper motion or position affecting nerve communications between your brain and your body.�
As a stress response, a subluxation can result in numerous health problems beyond headaches, neck or back pain.
The good news? We locate and reduce subluxation, so you can experience the best health possible.
Do You Have Sitting Disease?

Every day people everywhere engage in an unhealthy practice that has harmful effects comparable to smoking. We�re talking about sitting.
From watching TV to sitting at our desk to driving, many spend a lot of time in this sedentary position.
How much time? Research shows that most people spend 10-15 hours a day sitting. With excess sitting come 34 chronic diseases and conditions including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Of course, the easiest way to combat sitting disease is to get moving. For those with a desk job, it�s a good idea to get up and move around for 10 minutes of every hour. You can also consider a standing desk or a walking meeting whenever possible.
If you spend long periods of time sitting and have back or neck pain or poor posture, come visit us for care.